Hello Precious Praying Friends,

Please remember Hope Alive Haiti in your prayers. The babies and staff need rain, because our well dried up decades ago, and no water trucks can travel near us any longer. Our water system cleans the rain water collected on the roof, accumulated in our cistern.

Kenya-led forces were expected on May 24, but have been delayed about another three (3) weeks. Gangs “sent a message to Biden” 9:00 pm on May 24 by murdering a US missionary couple. Please pray for the Lloyd and Baker families.

Hope Alive, full of innocent babies, is precariously situated between two (2) very dangerous cities where gangs are ruthless and desperate. Besides water and comfort for the families, Solace babies need to be covered by the Lord's divine protection.

We need your prayers! Thank you in advance for praying.

In Christ Alone,
Leslee and Frank Jacobs
